Montag, 25. Juli 2016

[WeakAura2] Legion-Beta - Mage (all specs) Offense/Deffense CD´s

Patch: Legion 7.1.5 (13.01.17)

This WeakAura is for offense and deffense Cooldowns in all three specs.
The space between offense and deffense is filled with the Spec-WeakAura (fire, frost or arcane).
If youre in arcane spec, its add a Greater Invis WA and a Displacement WA.

  • Iceblock/Ice Barrier/Shimmer/Blink/Greater Invis/Displacement/ColdSnap/Cauterize
  • RoP/MI/IF/MobilitySkills from all Specs/Pot Display
i add a Counterspell WeakAura. It shows when CS in on CD and it pops up when your target cast an interruptable cast and CS is not on CD + it shows up an announce "interrupted" when you succesfull interrupt the cast.

String to import:
